Spiritual Monday - your inspiring start to the week (ONLINE)

Spiritual Monday Online Programm - Meditation und Yoga mit Guruji

Spiritual Monday - your inspiring start to the week (ONLINE)

„Spirituelle Praxis ist keine Pflicht, sondern ein Geschenk an dich selbst. Wenn du deinen Geist beruhigst und deinen Körper stärkst, öffnest du die Tür zu einem Leben voller Freude, Harmonie und Erfüllung.“
Guru Bhaneshwaranand

Want a discount? Become a member!

Create a mindful start to your week, filled with clarity and energy. Our Spiritual Monday program is more than just a course – it’s an invitation to begin your week with inner alignment and mindful movement. Spiritual Monday-Programm ist mehr als nur ein Kurs – es ist eine Einladung, die Woche mit innerer Ausrichtung und achtsamer Bewegung zu beginnen.

What to expect:

  • 15-Minute inspirational talk by Guruji
    Be inspired by the wisdom of our enlightened teacher. Guruji shares powerful spiritual insights and practical guidance to help you consciously shape your week and navigate stressful situations with calmness. His words serve as a compass for your daily life.
  • 15-Minute Group Meditation
    In the stillness of group meditation, deeply connect with your inner self. Supported by Guruji’s powerful energy field, you will experience profound centering and a tangible sense of inner harmony.
  • 30-Minute Gurudham Yoga
    Deepen your practice with a guided yoga session focusing on the essence of a selected asana series. This practice not only strengthens your body but also brings you into a state of mindfulness and inner balance.

Your Benefits:

  • Start the week with a clear mind and powerful focus.
  • Experience inspiration that carries you through everyday challenges.
  • Feel the transformative power of meditation and deepen your connection to yourself.
  • Build physical strength and flexibility through targeted and consistent yoga practice.
  • Become part of a supportive community of like-minded individuals growing together

This offering is part of our monthly membership. Still unsure? No problem! Take advantage of the opportunity to try Spiritual Monday three times for free and discover how this morning practice can enrich your life. Start now – for a mindful beginning to your week, full of energy and inspiration! Spiritual Monday 1 Monat kostenlos auszuprobieren und entdecke, wie diese morgendliche Praxis dein Leben bereichern kann.


  • immer live Montags von 07:30 bis 08:30 Uhr. 
  • Aufzeichnungen dann am Abend verfügbar

Start now – for a mindful start to the week full of energy and inspiration!

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